2015 AAUN Partnership & Research Development Fund Guidelines

The guidelines for the AAUN Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) have changed. AAUN will focus the 2015-16 call for applications on a few proposals in food and nutrition security, or in related aspects higher education, at a maximum of $10K (AUD) per project. We expect to be able to fund 5-6 projects, subject to confirmation of some further funding.
Applications are invited from:
- Existing programs where the progress reports show major advance and limited additional funds would strengthen bids for funds to major international agencies and governments. Only projects that have submitted reports are eligible to apply.
- Projects arising from the AAUN workshops in Pretoria in May and in Canberra in August 2015
NOTE: Projects funded in 2015 do not need to report until a year after receiving funding, and so are not eligible to apply again in this round.
Potential applicants are encouraged to write first with a brief outline case (1 page max) to aaun.events@sydney.edu.au by 9 November 2015. Based on the brief outline, full proposals will be invited.
The deadline for subsequently invited proposals is Friday 23 November 2015.
View the full 2015 PRDF guidelines here.