New plant breeding methods for sustainable use of genetic resources and security of food production
This workshop – seed funded by AAUN through the AAUN PRDF 2017 – is to be held at the University of Mauritius on 29-31 January 2018.
This workshop will evaluate new methods for sustainable genetic improvement in important food crops for AAUN partner countries. New animal breeding methods, such as optimal contributions selection and genomic selection, may enhance long‐term crop improvement based on genetic diversity from crop genebanks and elite crop varieties. The workshop will evaluate the ability of the new methods to improve adaptation of crops to changing climates, and thereby improve future food security.
Keynote speaker is Emeritus Professor Brian Kinghorn, University of New England, Australia. Also speaking will be plant breeders and geneticists from The University of Western Australia, The University of Sydney and other AAUN‐partner universities.
Workshop Information and Registration Form
Registration fee includes transport to and from hotels to conference venue at the University of Mauritius, conference fees, lunch and morning and afternoon teas, and field trip on Wednesday 31 January 2018. Accommodation and evening meals are the responsibility of the delegates.
Registration for nominated African AAUN delegates: registration for a limited number of delegates from AAUN‐partner universities will be pre‐paid by AAUN. Please apply for assistance from Prof Karl Kunert, University of Pretoria, Email Karl.Kunert@up.ac.za
Travel scholarships for early career researchers in African universities (members of AAUN): A limited number of scholarships are available to assist travel of African early career researchers working at AAUN member universities – please send your request to Prof Karl Kunert, University of Pretoria, Email Karl.Kunert@up.ac.za
Registration fee for all others: 7000 MUR (Mauritian rupees). The Registration Fee must be paid to University of Mauritius in local currency (rupees), and evidence of payment must
accompany the completed registration form.
Download the Registration Form (includes accommodation recommendations)
For more information, please contact the workshop convener and AAUN project PI, Prof Wallace Cowling, The University of Western Australia: wallace.cowling@uwa.edu.au