Applications open for Australia Awards Short Course Awards and Masters Scholarships

Australia Awards are a cornerstone of the Australian Government’s development partnership with Africa. Through scholarships for Masters-level degrees and specialised post-graduate short-courses in Agriculture, Extractives and Public Policy, Australia Awards provide enhanced leadership, knowledge and technical skills to government departments, tertiary institutions and other organisations that are driving economic growth and sustainable development on the African continent.
There are now over 5000 Australia Awards alumni in Africa many of whom are in senior leadership positions and positively shaping their country’s future.
Australia Awards in Africa focus on areas that are essential to supporting sustainable economic growth and align with the policy priorities of eligible African countries including extractives, agricultural productivity and public policy.
“Australia has developed one of the most efficient and innovative agricultural sectors in the world despite, or perhaps because of, challenging ecological conditions that are comparable to conditions in many African countries”, said HE Adam McCarthy, Australian High Commissioner to South Africa. “Australia is also renowned for being one of the world’s leading extractives and energy producers. As such, Australia is uniquely placed to provide high quality Masters-level and specialised post-graduate training to African professionals in these areas”.
While the Awards have a strong focus on supporting public sector employees, the program is also open to private sector and civil society applicants, recognising the important role that these sectors play, together with the public sector, in supporting sustainable growth and job and livelihood creation.
The Australian Government recognises that significant benefits flow to whole communities when women can fully participate in economic, social and political life. As such, Australia Awards promote equal participation by both women and men, and ensures that people with disabilities are given a fair and equal opportunity to compete for and undertake the Awards.
Applications have closed on 15 December 2016.
More information is available on the website: