Author Archives: admin

AAUN News and 2017 Event Dates

In July 2017, AAUN will be five years old. We are assessing all aspects of our work to develop our strategic plan for 2017-20. In doing so, we note the significant international policy developments with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Environment and Climate, and other developments with BREXIT, the USA and China. We will align with the major global policy

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Outcomes of Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) 2016

PARTNERSHIP & RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT FUND (PRDF) The outcomes of the 2016/17 Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) have been announced. The Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) offers grants of an average of $10,000 AUD to foster partnership within the network and support planning workshops and research collaborations that address distinct mutual challenges. It provides one year of catalytic seed

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Early Career Academic Grants Opportunity

Early Career Academic Grants are now open to early career (within 10 years of the start of your career) academics employed by ACU member universities, enabling you to participate in a conference held in a Commonwealth country other than your own. For example, an applicant from Australia could choose to go to a conference in any of the 17 African Commonwealth

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