Category Archives: Events

Forming formidable alliances with global influence

One megatrend influencing Africa’s development agenda is that the continent is getting younger, said Professor Tawana Kupe, President and Vice Chancellor of the University of Pretoria and Co-Chair of AAUN (Africa), in an AAUN Forum session on strengthening university relationships on September 2. The top ten countries with the youngest populations were in Africa and approximately 65 per cent of

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AAUN Forum 2019 reviews Australia Africa engagement and plans strategy for 2020-22

More than 100 hundred leaders from academia, government, business, the diplomatic corps, development agencies and NGOs from across Africa and Australia met in Perth on September 2 to help shape the impact of the Australia Africa Universities Network (AAUN) and to build on its 53 seed-funded research programs established since its launch in Canberra in 2012. Co-chair of AAUN, Professor

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