Category Archives: News


To: AAUN Board, University Members, Knowledge Partners and Friends From: Prof John Hearn, AAUN Executive Co-Chair; A/Prof Grace Liu, AAUN General Manager              WISHING YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON AND SUCCESS IN 2022 Dear Colleagues and Friends,                                                                              We start the New Year with confidence and enhanced resilience from the past two years of Covid-19. For AAUN, we have kept on

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UWA AfREC Annual Africa Research Showcase 2021

The Africa Research & Engagement Centre (AfREC) at the Univerity of Western Australia will convene its Annual Africa Research Showcase 2021 on Friday 5 November. The Showcase is an opportunity for AfREC’s Research Fellows and Postgraduate Fellows to present their current research work to other researchers, government and industry partners, community stakeholders and the wider public. AfREC researchers come from a range of

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Ghana High Commissioner visit to deepen ties with University of Newcastle

On 16 April 2021 CARE-P hosted the High Commissioner of the Republic of Ghana to the Commonwealth of Australia, His Excellency Dr Joseph Nii Sai Coffie-Agoe, and two of his Ministers, who want to strengthen existing bonds and deepen the ties between Ghana and the University of Newcastle (UON). The Centre for African Research, Engagement and Partnerships (CARE-P) promotes the UON Global

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