Belgian request for collaboration
Laurent de Potter, executive secretary of PACODEL and head of International Relations at Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech at the University of Liège in Belgium, has written as follows.
The University of Liège has recently developed a centre for development cooperation (PACODEL, for which I am executive secretary).
It appears that Gembloux Agro-bio Tech (our faculty of agronomy) has a long experience in development cooperation and wants to give the opportunity to the whole university community to take advantage of Gembloux’s contacts and experience in Africa (mainly in Central Africa).
The aim of the PACODEL is to develop interdisciplinary and interfaculty projects that can have a global impact in the Southern countries.
A first project is now to be developed: the effective working of a platform in Central Africa on the theme of the peri-urbanisation (on which all the faculty professors/researchers can be involved, from architecture to philosophy professors and from bioengineering to law professors).
We have a strong implication towards French-speaking countries and we were thinking about an equivalent to develop research on a more global scale (eg. with English-speaking countries in Africa).
As our University will be present in a Belgian Economic Mission to Australia (with the presence of HRH Prince Philippe of Belgium) in November, we were thinking to develop a partnership in that frame while discussing about future common issues.