On 20-21 March 2018, the third annual Joint AAUN Australia Awards Agricultural Research Symposium was held at the Southern Sun Mayfair Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya.
The symposium was co-hosted by AAUN, ACIAR, the Australia Awards, the University of Nairobi and the University of Sydney. The Symposium is part of the Australia Awards Africa Short Course “Increasing the Development Impact of Agricultural Research” (IDIAR).
Funding for the program has been supplied by the Australian Government Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and AAUN. Please follow the link to a video of this Symposium.
View/download Symposium Report
About ACIAR by Dr Leah Ndungu
Media coverage
Kenya Television Network – How Australia Plans to implement food security in Kenya
Dhahabu Kenya Blog – Agriculture symposium brings together African and Australia researchers in Nairobi to spur research-based transformation in the sector
Kenya Broadcasting Corporation – Kenya banking on Research and Innovation to boost food production
K24 News – K24 News from 14.55
Ebru TV – Swahili news – Australia Awards Symposium
Ebru TV – English News – Food Secure Africa
Saturday Nation – Seeds of Gold Pullout – Experts call for increased funding
(read via PressReader)
Panel Theme 1: Technology for Agricultural Impact
- Dr Bruce Pengelly, Tropical Agriculture Consultant at Pengelly Consultancy Pty
Climate smart agriculture: lessons from ZimCLIFS - Dr Mulugetta Mekuria, CIMMYT, SIMLESA Program Leader
Building Productive, Resilient & Sustainable Maize-Legume Cropping Systems in Africa - A/Prof Brett Whelan, University of Sydney
Digital soil mapping for food and soil security - Prof Hettie Schönfeldt, University of Pretoria
Food composition data for animal-source foods in Sub Saharan Africa
(AAUN PRDF 2017) - Prof Mu Li, University of Sydney
Using digital technology in health promotion: job aid mobile apps
Panel Theme 2: Private Sector Engagement for Agricultural Impact
- Dr Christy van Beek, SoilCares
The business of soil testing: innovative agro-technology and integrated soil fertility management in Kenya - Prof Catherine Wangari Muthuri, World Agroforestry Centre-ICRAF
Developing value chain innovation platforms to improve food security in East and Southern Africa (VIP4FS) - Dr Sylvester O. Oikeh, African Agricultural Technology Foundation
‘Shared Value Initiative’ Water Efficient Maize in Africa (WEMA) Project - Dr Paul Greener, Africa Enterprise Challenge Fund
ACEF’s work in supporting agribusiness - Mr Colin Forbes, Base Titanium
Partnerships for improved livelihoods in the cotton industry
Panel Theme 3: Gender for Agricultural Impact
- Dr Michele Mbo’o Tchouawou, African Women in Agricultural Research and Development (AWARD)
Building capacity of African women in Agricultural Research - Dr Rahma Adam, CIMMYT
SIMLESA lessons on gender and benefits to women, men and youth of sustainable intensification technologies and constraints to adoption compare between women and men Africa - Mrs Violet Gathaara, KALRO
Gender and extension - Dr Jemimah Njuki, Senior Program Specialist, IDRC
Gender, Agriculture and Food Security: What works?
Conference Images: A Selection of Highlights
Lively discussions
University of Nairobi Vice-Chancellor Prof. Peter Mbithi
AAUN Co-Chair Prof John Hearn
The winning team of the innovation challenge was rewarded with 10,000 Australian Dollars to actualize a cross-country research project courtesy of the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Congratulations!
Prof Robyn McConchie, the University of Sydney
Panel Theme 1: Technology for Agricultural Impact
Panel Theme 3: Gender for Agricultural Impact