Launch of the AAUN Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) 2019

The AAUN Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) offers catalytic grants of an average of $AUD 10,000 to foster partnership in the network, including new members, and support planning workshops and research collaborations, that address distinct mutual challenges. The PRDF provides one year of catalytic seed funding with the firm expectation that funded projects will be excellent, build specialist teams, achieve impact and be sustainable through the early identification of additional external funding.
Guidelines 2019
AAUN has continued support from environmental and food research agencies. We have signed a four-year partnership agreement 2018-21 with ACIAR. Our Africa Wing has signed a similar agreement with NRF. We will be increasing efforts to attract funding from international agencies. Consequently, we will focus the 2019 call for applications on proposals in environment, food and nutrition security, or in related aspects of higher education and economic development. Awards are at a maximum of $10K per project, matched at $10K total by partner teams. We expect to fund 6-10 projects in 2019-subject to confirmation of some further funding. There are 43 current projects in progress, or finished, from the five earlier annual calls. Please note you MUST acknowledge AAUN appropriately in publications or conferences for us to attract further funding and to present the strengths of the AAUN partnership to government, business, agencies and universities.
At our AGM 2018 and previous related discussions, we agreed that PRDF proposals should be framed and provide evidence towards policy options. The most relevant current policy frameworks are:
- The UN Climate Change Agreements
- The UN Sustainability Goalswith the AU Agenda 2063
- The Australian Foreign Policy White Paper(November 2017)
- The ACIAR Ten-Year-Strategy(February 2018)
* Note that AAUN and ACIAR have formed a 4-year alliance 2018-21.
AAUN can also consider research on trade and investment related to the above. Collaborative projects with African Networks such as the African Research Universities Alliance (ARUA) and RUFORUM are welcome.
Applications are invited from:
- Existing programs where the progress reports show major advance and limited additional funds would strengthen bids for funds to international agencies and governments. Only projects that have submitted reports are eligible to apply.
- New projects, including those arising from the AAUN Forum and research workshops in 2018.
Potential applicants are encouraged to write first with a brief outline case (1 page max) to by 10 April 2019. The deadline for subsequently invited proposals is 30 April 2019. We expect to announce allocations by 30 June 2019.
Applications will need to be accompanied by:
- Letters of support from AAUN partner universities confirming official institutional support and specifying any cash or in-kind contributions.
- Letters of support from external partners, also identifying cash and in-kind contributions.
- Proposal budget outlining key areas of expenditure (1 page maximum).
- CVs of principal investigators (1 page maximum each).
Supporting Documents:
- 2019 PRDF Guidelines
- Application Form (download Word version here)
- Letter of Support Template (download Word version here)
Applications along with all accompanying documents must be submitted through the AAUN Secretariat Australia via email no later than 5pm AEST on 30 April 2019. Applications that are incomplete or received after the closing date will not be considered.