AAUN Announces 2019 Partnership and Research Development Fund Awards (PRDF)

It is a great pleasure to inform you that the applications for the 2019 AAUN Partnership and Research Development Fund (PRDF) have been reviewed. We received 44 expressions of interest and 14 full proposals. We are awarding ten catalyst seed grants as shown in the list below.
2019 AAUN PRDF funded projects: Titles and Principal Investigators (PIs)
(Please visit the PRDF 2019 webpage for more details)
- Economic development, health and nutrition for sustainable development. Dr Janet Dzator (PI), The University of Newcastle
- Transitioning to a sustainable future through STEM training and research. Prof Tim Roberts (PI), The University of Newcastle
- High value dehydrated products from traditional vegetables in South Africa as a low-calorie meal replacement with health benefits. Prof Dharini Sivakumar (PI), Tshwane University of Technology
- Wind-borne soil erosion and the nutrient and microbial characteristics of dust in major Southern Hemisphere source areas. Dr Andrew Dansie (PI), The University of New South Wales Sydney
- Opportunities for addressing disaster and climate change-related displacement in Africa under the global compacts for migration and refugees. Dr Tamara Wood (PI), The University of New South Wales Sydney
- Integrating Urban Green Infrastructure and Food Security for Economic Development in African Cities. Dr Alec Thornton (PI), The University of New South Wales Sydney
- Australia-Africa macadamia plant protection research network. Prof Andre Drenth (PI), The University of Queensland
- Development, diplomacy and the diaspora: Deepening engagement between African-Australians, the diplomatic corps and the African Union’s Agenda 2063. Dr David Mickler (PI), The University of Western Australia
- Collective Action for Sustainable Development: The Case of Smallholder Dairy Cooperatives in ODA Countries. Dr Amin Mugera (PI), The University of Western Australia
- Food Insecurity and Nutrition of African Refugee Children Prior to Resettlement. Tina Lavin (PI), The University of Western Australia
The total number of AAUN programs and teams now formed are over 50 across Africa and Australia. This represents a significant critical mass and capacity to address mutual challenges in our areas of research and education; and to engage in the SDGs and relevant regional policy frameworks.
We thank all of our University partners, researchers, educators and sponsors for their contributions to AAUN. We will be learning further from this 2019 round to increase teamwork, inclusiveness, quality and impact in PRDF 2020.
We look forward to further success in research and to seeing many of you at the AAUN Africa Forum in Mauritius 21-23 July and the AAUN Australia Forum and AGM in Perth 1-3 September. Full details are on our website.
Professor John Hearn Professor Tawana Kupe
AAUN Co-Chair Australia AAUN Co-Chair Africa
Assoc Professor Grace Liu Professor Frans Swanepoel
AAUN General Manager AAUN Deputy Co-Chair Africa