AAUN News and 2017 Event Dates

In July 2017, AAUN will be five years old. We are assessing all aspects of our work to develop our strategic plan for 2017-20. In doing so, we note the significant international policy developments with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Environment and Climate, and other developments with BREXIT, the USA and China. We will align with the major global policy directions, while maintaining our focus on higher education, research and mobility in our five priority areas.
The new strategic plan for 2017-20 will be released later this year.
Research Programs
AAUN has seed-funded multi-university, multi-disciplinary research projects via its Partnership & Research Development Fund to build our communities of scholars and researchers, focusing on challenges in Australia and Africa. Seven projects were seed-funded for 2014, fourteen for 2015, five for 2016 and now a further six for 2017. There are significant outcomes in publication, influence, mobility and some attraction of external funds. Currently, the main themes are in environment, food and nutrition security, and related research in higher education.
Each year, AAUN holds keynote strategic fora in Africa and Australia, the latter coupled with the AAUN AGM. In 2016 the African Forum was held in Cape Town on 5 April, with the British Council’s Going Global conference. The Australia Forum and AGM was in Perth on 5 September 2016, alongside the DFAT Australia-Africa Week and the Australia Down Under Conference. This allows teamwork in attracting talent. In 2017 we will repeat the Australia Forum and AGM in Perth on 4-6 September.
The Africa Forum will be held alongside the 3rd International Global Food Security Conference in Cape Town 2-5 December 2017.
AAUN Workshops
AAUN researchers have participated in several strategic workshops, including DFAT-Australia Awards – AAUN workshops in Nairobi on The impact of agricultural research on economic development, in Kampala on higher education and alumni development, and in research mobility visits between partners for research development. There will be another workshop in this series in Nairobi on 15 November 2017.
On 11 July 2017, the AAUN New South Wales Group including three new members will hold a Members Day at UNSW to build collaboration and teamwork between programs.
Event programs and registration websites will be released soon.
AAUN Alliances
We work with partners and allies to build critical mass and effectiveness, helping to overcome obstacles. Currently we are exploring alliances with the new Africa Research Universities Alliance (ARUA), Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM), and the Worldwide Universities Network Global Africa Group. We are pleased to work as knowledge partners with the OECD, British Council, and Association of Commonwealth Universities.
AAUN Sponsors
We are grateful to our sponsors in the Australian Government and agencies, including the
Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research, and the Department of Education and Training, along with the National Research Foundation of South Africa.