Category Archives: Events

2015 International Africa Forum: 11 May 2015, Johannesburg

Revitalising Australia’s Relationship with Africa through Collaboration in Education and Research We are pleased to confirm that the 2015 International Africa Forum will be held 11 May 2015 in Johannesburg at the Indaba Hotel, Fourways. This event will coincide with the ACU Sarima Conference, which is running from the 10th to the 14th at the same location. The AAUN is

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ACU-SARIMA Conference 12-14 May 2015, Johannesburg

ACU SARIMA Conference 2015 2015 is a critical year for global policy on international development. The contribution of scientific and technological endeavour and innovation to achieving development goals is beyond question. But donors and policymakers must include specific provision for these contributions in their new global development policy frameworks. Key research and innovation constituencies – including universities, funders, policymakers, and

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Australia-Africa Universities Network Partnership & Research Development Fund – Application deadline Extended to 7 November

The 2014 Australia-Africa Universities Network Partnership & Research Development Fund (PRDF) is open to AAUN members. Please note that applications are due on 7 November. The PRDF offers catalytic grants of an average of $AUD 10,000 to foster partnership in the network, including new members, and support planning workshops and research collaborations, that address distinct mutual challenges. The PRDF provides

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