“How to maximise the added value of the student experience?”, an OECD Event


What Works” conference for IMHE Members on Fostering quality teaching in higher education: How to maximise the added value of the student experience?, OECD Headquarters, Paris, 8-9 April 2014

 A 1.5 day event with plenary and break-out sessions.

Keynoter speakers:

 More information:

Conference description

Preliminary agenda

  Further reading: Fostering Quality Teaching in Higher Education: Policies and Practices – An IMHE Guide for Higher Education Institutions

 Registration: members of the OECD Higher Education Programme (IMHE)

Registration is free for members of the OECD Higher Education Programme (IMHE). You can register here.

Registration for Programme non-members

The conference fee is EUR 595 (USD 833.00; GBP 536.00; JPY 77 300; MXN 10 710) for Programme non-members. Complete registration here and then follow the link to pay via the online bookshop.

 Contact: imhe@oecd.org