Category Archives: Opportunities

The University of Mauritius invites applications for the post of Vice-Chancellor

The Council of the University of Mauritius invites applications from suitably qualified candidates for the post of VICE-CHANCELLOR. The Republic of Mauritius consists of a multi-cultural population of around 1.25M and has one of the most successful and competitive economies in Africa. The country is in the process of becoming an international knowledge hub. The University of Mauritius (UoM), founded

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AAUN International Africa Forum Follow Up

AAUN International Africa Forum, 8-9 July at the Darlington Centre, University of Sydney PowerPoint Slides Available  9 July Plenary Session “Government and Business” PowerPoint slides are available from Dr David Mickler (African Studies Association of Australasia and the Pacific); Mr David Landers (Austrade);  Ms Bronnie Anderson-Smith (AIFSC/ACIAR);  Ms Catherine Gill (AusAID) & Ms Joyce Achampong, the Association of Commonwealth Universities.

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