Category Archives: News

Early Career Academic Grants Opportunity

Early Career Academic Grants are now open to early career (within 10 years of the start of your career) academics employed by ACU member universities, enabling you to participate in a conference held in a Commonwealth country other than your own. For example, an applicant from Australia could choose to go to a conference in any of the 17 African Commonwealth

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What does the future look like for inter-university collaboration? – ACU Deputy Secretary General John Kirkland reports

Australia-Africa partnerships for sustainable futures AAUN’s Annual Conference and AGM on 5 September 2016 brought representatives from academia, government, and business together to discuss research partnerships between Australia and Africa, with particular focus on the practical implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals. So what does the future look like for interuniversity collaboration? John Kirkland reports. Please read the article in PDF

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Job Opportunity: Australia Awards–Africa: Shortlisting and Selection Panel Members

Palladium is seeking to establish a pool of pre-qualified panel of experts who will Assess the technical and financial aspects of Africa Short Course tender submissions; Assist with the shortlisting and selection of candidates for the Short Course Awards and Masters Degree Scholarships. Panel Members will have expertise in the preferred priority areas: Extractives (mining, oil and gas); Agricultural Productivity;

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