2015 International Africa Forum: 11 May 2015, Johannesburg

Revitalising Australia’s Relationship with Africa through Collaboration in Education and Research
We are pleased to confirm that the 2015 International Africa Forum will be held 11 May 2015 in Johannesburg at the Indaba Hotel, Fourways. This event will coincide with the ACU Sarima Conference, which is running from the 10th to the 14th at the same location. The AAUN is now in its second year of supporting projects in the key themes of food security, public health, public sector reform, education, mining and Economic It is the goal of the Forum to facilitate further collaboration on Development. approved projects, develop ideas for future projects and provide an opportunity for researchers with existing proposals to broaden their networks. As such, the bulk of the Forum’s agenda will be focused on delivering these outcomes.
Delegates will also have an opportunity to relax and socialise at the dinner planned for the evening of the 11th. We are also holding a joint session in the ACU-Sarima Conference on the 12th. Registration for the ACU Sarima Conference must be done separately, and details of that event can be found here. Registration and payment for the event must be completed by the 31st March 2015 and can be completed here.
The programme for the Forum is also on this page. Please note that your registration will not be accepted until payment has been confirmed. Participants are responsible for your own travel and accommodation arrangements, however, please feel fee to contact us should you have queries. Furthermore, please note that attendance of the Forum has to be funded either from the project budget or by your home institution.
We look forward to seeing you at what promises to be another successful AAUN event.
For more information, please email Desirée Homann: Desiree.Homann@up.ac.za
Conference Program:
View the conference program here.
Forum Opening:
View Forum Opening – Prof Cheryl de la Rey (AAUN Co-Chair)
Research Theme Leader Presentations:
Conference Highlights

Left: Prof Phillip Nkunika from The University of Zambia presenting at the Forum. Right: Mr Ben Playle (Australian Deputy High Commissioner to South Africa) addressing delegates at the conference dinner.

Members of the AAUN Steering Group.

Prof John Hearn (AAUN Co-Chair) during feedback session.