AAUN Annual Australia Forum and AGM 2022

The Australia Africa Universities Network (AAUN) Annual Forum and AGM 2022 will be held on 27-28 October 2022 at the Australian National University (ANU) in Canberra, Australia. The Forum topic for this year is “Universities and Governments: Securities and Economic Development to 2030”.
Please note that we are postponing the AAUN Forum from 10-11th February to 27-28th October. This is due to the continuing uncertainties of COVID/Omicron, as a number of our speakers and key participants cannot commit to travel from within Australia (Western Australia), or Internationally (Africa, New Zealand, Indo-Pacific). The Forum program is very carefully constructed and of high quality – and not amenable to a fully Zoom based conference.
This postponement should allow the pandemic to recede, the vaccine rollout to succeed – and for us to meet in Canberra with a hybrid attendance (face to face, say 100; by zoom from Africa and elsewhere, say 150).
We welcome our members, colleagues, guests and other leaders in the field of Australia Africa relationships to join us. We expect up to 100 expert participants from academia, government, diplomats, business and agencies.
Please view the Forum program here
NOTE: In interests of environment and cost, there will be no printed programs.
Background Papers
- AAUN Forum 2022 – Speakers Bios and Abstracts
- AAUN Strategic Action Plan 2022-25
- AAUN Assessment Report 2013-2020 summary – full report available on request.
- AAUN Submission to DFAT in the review of International Development (suspended by previous government)
- OECD Summary of AID/FDI to Africa
- US Indo Pacific Strategy – Biden vs Trump
- The University has a role to play in defending democracy
- China and Africa – in it for the long haul
Please register via this link for the AAUN Australia Forum 2022. Closing date 23 October 2022. Please note it will not be possible to register after this date.
We expect up to 100 expert participants from academia, government, diplomats, business, agencies. We are pleased to welcome guests and observers from cooperating networks and NGOs to the AAUN AGM meeting.
Speakers, Panelists and Chairs
Please send your 200 word bio, and 200 word abstract to A/Prof Grace Liu at aaun@unsw.edu.au by 1 October 2022. The bios and abstracts will be edited and circulated, with selected background papers and the final program. If you wish to recommend a brief background paper, please do so.
PowerPoint Presentation: If you choose to use PowerPoint, please ensure your presentation is strictly within the time allowed. We advise a maximum of one slide per minute. Please email your presentation to aaun@unsw.edu.au by 10 October 2022.
We are grateful to the Australian National University (ANU) for co-hosting the AAUN Forum, and for sponsoring part of the program.
AAUN Conference Hotel
AAUN Conference accommodation will be at QT Hotel, Canberra, which is near ANU.
We have negotiated a special rate at $199/night with the QT Hotel. Our “BLOCK CODE” is AAUN2022. Please use this link for booking and provide the “BLOCK CODE” to get the discount rate.
QT Hotel address: 1 London Circuit, Canberra ACT 2601
Hotel booking via this link
Conference Venue:
Moot Court, Law School, Australian National University (Canberra)
ANU College of Law Moot Courts
5 Fellows Road
Please find ANU Campus Map here
Please find Parking Map here
Transport to and from the conference venue
The hotel is close to the conference venue. It will be walking distance between the hotel and conference venue.
Knowledge Partners
Australia Africa Universities Network (AAUN) Forum and AGM
Date: 27-28 October 2022
Venue: Moot Court, Law School, Australian National University
Contact: A/Prof Grace Liu
Email: aaun@unsw.edu.au